What To Know About Using Seoul Subway

What To Know About Using Seoul Subway

Here are some useful things to know when using the subway in Seoul.
Rather than using the subway in Seoul for the first time without knowing anything about it, it will be helpful for you to learn basic etiquette and what to look out for when traveling.

If you need help with anything other than the following, ask for it at the crew information desk at each station. If you lost something or get lost, actively ask for help.

Reserved seats for the elderly and the sick

  1. The seoul subway is very crowded during the peak hours, so remember to avoid it if possible. 7-9 am and 5-7 pm.
  2. All subway stations have free public toilets, so feel free to use them.
  3. If you need to change to a bus after getting off the metro, you will have 30 minutes to do so, and changes are free during this time.
  4. It can be cold in the subway, as the powerful air-conditioning system works in the summer, so it is good to bring long-sleeved clothes.
  5. When using the metro, check the direction of your destination before boarding to avoid going in the wrong direction.
  6. Do not talk loudly on subway and talk on the phone in a low voice. This is the most important rule of subway etiquette.
  7. When standing in front of the door, be careful not to obstruct access. This is very basic etiquette.
  8. Do not sit in the seats for the elderly at the end of the tube. However, if you are physically uncomfortable or ill, you may sit down.
  9. Be careful not to make eye contact with people for long periods of time. This is Korean etiquette and can lead to misunderstandings and problems.
  10. When sitting, close your legs so as not to disturb the person next to you. This is basic subway etiquette.
  11. There is an SOS call device on the wall at the end of the subway. You can press the button and talk to the train driver.
  12. Each train cabin has its own number. Knowing this will be very helpful when reporting a lost item or other report. Take a photo with your cell phone just in case.


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