Things That Surprise Tourists About Seoul

Things That Surprise Tourists About Seoul

From the moment travelers arrive in an unfamiliar country, travel is full of surprises. Even if you travel by getting information in advance, the surprise is doubled when you finally see it with your own eyes. The following are some of the surprises that travelers will feel after visiting Korea.

Clean streets and stability

The population of Seoul is about 9.66 million, and despite the large population, the city is well organized and orderly. The streets are clean and everything seems to run smoothly. You will be amazed by Seoul, which looks like a giant organism.

Top-notch security

Seoul is a place where citizens and tourists can walk safely day and night. Numerous street lights are installed at every corner to shine brightly even at night, and police officers and CCTV systems that can be dispatched quickly are responsible for the safety of Seoul.

Convenient and affordable transportation system

Transportation is an important consideration for travelers. In all cities in Korea, including Seoul, bus and subway fares are affordable and include free transfers. This means that you can make up to 4 transfers at no extra cost. Korea's unique free transfer system, which is different from other countries, will surprise you.

Variety of food

Korea has been called a gourmet's paradise. No matter where you are in the city, various restaurants will welcome you. You can taste not only Korean food, but also food from many countries around the world. In particular, Korea's special barbecue and drinking culture are must-experiences.

Colorful neon signs at night

What makes the city of Seoul special are the glittering neon signs in downtown areas. The colorful lights of late night shops will make you press the shutter of your camera and leave a strong impression on your mind.

Kindness of Koreans

Koreans generally enjoy helping others. Especially when it comes to foreign tourists. If you need help, don't hesitate to ask for it. They won't pass by ignoring your request. Tourists do not visit a country just to see the sights.

Lots of free toilets

The most important thing for travelers is a bathroom. Korea has public toilets, and the toilets in stores are famous for being clean. So you won't have to suffer. The inside is clean and toilet paper is also provided, so it will give a good image.

The city that never sleeps

Seoul is a place where many shops and restaurants are open late into the night.
Convenience stores, which are especially prevalent in the city, are open 24 hours a day and sell food and basic necessities. Saunas, bars and restaurants provide services until late at night. No other city in the world stays open as late as Seoul.

Speed of service

The culture 'Quick Quick' of the Korean people is already well known worldwide. From ordering food to ordering glasses, all services are provided quickly in Korea. Since a customer's time equals money, Korea is the place to minimize waiting. You will be amazed at the food that comes out right after you place your order.

Mountains and nature in the city

Travelers who vaguely expect Seoul to be a cramped city will be surprised to see numerous mountains and the Han River in Seoul. This is because Seoul is not just a cramped city, but a space with many parks and river. If you come to Seoul for a trip, be sure not to miss the nature-friendly tourist spots like the Hanriver parks or Bukhansan national park.

Coexistence of past and present

One of the reasons why Seoul is attractive is that you can easily find the past in a modern city. There are many historical sites in Seoul, and the History Museum is also an interesting place for tourists. The 5 palaces in Seoul are without a doubt one of the major attractions of Seoul.

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