Essential Korean Phrases for Travelers in Korea and Seoul

Essential Korean Phrases for Travelers in Korea and Seoul

안녕하세요 여러분 (Hello everyone), welcome to another installment of our travel series! Today, I'll be sharing 20 essential Korean phrases that will make your shopping and dining experiences in Korea and Seoul more enjoyable. Let's get started!"

  1. "안녕하세요?" (Annyeonghaseyo?)
    • Translation: "Hello?"
    • Use this to greet shopkeepers or restaurant staff.
  2. "이거 얼마에요?" (Igeo eolmaeyo?)
    • Translation: "How much is this?"
    • Handy for asking about prices while shopping.
  3. "카드 받아요?" (Kadeu badayo?)
    • Translation: "Do you accept cards?"
    • Useful when checking if cards are accepted.
  4. "현금 주세요." (Hyeon-geum juseyo.)
    • Translation: "Please give me cash."
    • Requesting change or smaller bills.
  5. "이런 거 있어요?" (Ireon geo iss-eoyo?)
    • Translation: "Do you have something like this?"
    • When looking for a specific item.
  6. "어떤 맛이에요?" (Eotteon mas-ieyo?)
    • Translation: "What flavor is this?"
    • Useful in ice cream shops or bakeries.
  7. "매운 거 아니에요." (Maeun geo anieyo.)
    • Translation: "Not spicy, please."
    • For those who prefer mild flavors.
  8. "여기서 먹을게요." (Yeogiseo meog-eulgeyo.)
    • Translation: "I'll eat here."
    • Informing that you'll be dining in.
  9. "포장해 주세요." (Pojanghae juseyo.)
    • Translation: "Please pack it to go."
    • When you want your food for takeout.
  10. "얼마에요?" (Eolmaeyo?)
    • Translation: "How much is it?"
    • A general question for pricing.
  11. "이거 주세요." (Igeo juseyo.)
    • Translation: "I'll take this, please."
    • When you've made your choice.
  12. "종류가 뭐예요?" (Jonglyuga mwoyeyo?)
    • Translation: "What kinds do you have?"
    • Useful in shops with various options.
  13. "여기 계산할게요." (Yeogi gyesanhalkkeyo.)
    • Translation: "I'll pay here."
    • When you're ready to settle the bill.
  14. "이런 거 있나요?" (Ireon geo issnayo?)
    • Translation: "Do you have something like this?"
    • Similar to #5, inquiring about items.
  15. "추천 메뉴가 뭐에요?" (Chucheon menyuga mwoeyo?)
    • Translation: "What's the recommended menu?"
    • Asking for the best menu options.
  16. "매운 거 좀 빼주세요." (Maeun geo jom bbaejuseyo.)
    • Translation: "Make it less spicy, please."
    • Adjusting spice levels.
  17. "여기 있어요." (Yeogi iss-eoyo.)
    • Translation: "It's right here."
    • Pointing out the location of an item.
  18. "이거 시식해 볼 수 있어요?" (Igeo sishikhae bol su iss-eoyo?)
    • Translation: "Can I try a sample of this?"
    • Useful in markets or food stalls.
  19. "맛있게 먹었어요." (Masissge meog-eosseoyo.)
    • Translation: "It was delicious."
    • A polite way to express satisfaction after a meal.
  20. "감사합니다!" (Gamsahamnida!)
    • Translation: "Thank you!"
    • Always express gratitude to the staff.

Alright, there you have it – 20 essential Korean phrases for your shopping and dining adventures! Practice these, and you'll find navigating Korean stores and restaurants much smoother. Safe travels, and enjoy your time in Korea!

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